Is the EVO ICL Eye Procedure Right For You?


Dr. Joshua Cohen is one of the nation's leading experts on the EVO ICL Surgery, as a second generation ophthalmologist at the Cohen Laser & Vision Center in Boca Raton.

In this informative video he breaks down the EVO ICL implantable collamer lens surgery.  This popular and safe procedure allows an implanted lens to eliminate glasses or contacts for nearsighted (myopic) patients. It is relatively painless and reversible at any time!

In this informative video, Dr. Joshua Cohen provides an overview of the indications, benefits, and potential risks of the procedure so you can ask your eye surgeon if this is right for you!

Find a library of similar videos at the Cohen Laser & Vision Center Youtube Channel.

Cohen Laser & Vision Center is Florida's premier provider of LASIK, EVO ICL, glaucoma and cataract procedures. Contact us today to live a life with better vision!
